Blooming Where Planted

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Date Night!

Here I am sitting at Starbucks -- with my husband. Now, I do believe that I got the better end of the deal: I don't have to do work! I am purely entertaining myself while I drink my Chai Tea Egg Nog Latte. He on the other hand, is sitting here grading papers that he must have in before he leaves town again for more basketball games.

We did have quite the little "adventure", if you will, on our way over here this eve. For our business in the summer time, Greg has his pick-ups and trailer and all the mowers, landscaping machines, etc. and usually they sit in our front on the 3rd garage space. Well, in the winter with our Nazi of homeowners association, we have to move EVERYTHING. It technically isn't "Country Club appearance". lol. I have no idea why! :)~~ And we've been cited 3 times now. So last weekend Greg went and secured a rental unit for everything until March. Now for the story: Naturally, the trailer is un-licensed for starters :), the ramp doesn't have the latches on it to hold it up, so there's a bungy cord sort of thing holding it upright, and the wires aren't hooked up, so nothing flashes when he's driving/turning, etc. So I have to follow him to the storage unit. Well, we barely get out of our neighborhood and the ramp falls down scraping with flying sparkes, so I flash my lights at him, we pull over and then there's only 1 more bungy to hold it in place for 2mi. In the midst of all this, it's dark and we're seriously rushing because we want to get it fixed before Johnny Sherrif Law comes driving by and stops to check on us (with an un-licensed trailer) We did eventually make it to the storage unit, but once we were there, they'd plowed snow in front of all the parking lots, so the trailer got stuck in the snow, and well you get the point by now.... :) FINALLY, we finish and head to Starbucks. Now, this was just funny to me because here I am in my car switching from left to right, left to right to shine my lights to help him back into the spot without hitting anyone else and I'm seriously looking like a clueless blonde (which partially I was clueless!), the pickup is getting stuck, and I can't lift worth a darn right now, so he's doing everything. He's laughing about it now...anyhow, my funny story for the evening. [especially posted for you Ceccy, who needs a laugh...]




Blogger Amy said...


So I working at Starbucks now!!

I work at the N. Academy store (by the Fazoli's). I'll be there all next week and I'm working the rest of this week.

We'll definitely have to get together!

10:52 PM  

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