Blooming Where Planted

Friday, October 27, 2006

Home Sweet Home

There is nothing like coming home for a weekend -- college football, friends of ole, & sleeping in with no interuptions! Yes, I am blessed to have a wonderful family to go home to, and I'm blessed with a family that my husband loves to be around and hang out with.

We started out the afternoon by getting here for a late lunch, picked my little brother up from school (well, not so little anymore. He could be my BIG little brother, who now is in High School), took him to football practice, & then hung out with my Dad at the football Stadium as he got ready for tomorrow afternoon's game. Very fun to see the new turf they put in and to hang out while 35,000 people aren't in the stands. We then proceeded to pick my bro up again and headed to the house. Since my parents had a dinner to attend, we took my brother "out on the town" to Buffalo Wild Wings to eat and watch the World Series. And by the way...congrats Cards! Was a fun game to watch.

Now, no evening would be complete without stopping to get some pumpkins to carve. My poor arm is tired, but boy did we do up a great few! Of course my husband had to carve a John Deere out of one, but my brother and I tackled the "haunted castle and smiling moon", which turned out to be quite the workout. And since we're here for the weekend and can sleep to our hearts content, we are now watching The Legend of Zorro on the nice big screen t.v. Yes, life is good. :) So nice to get away for relaxation and not have it be for work or for anything else but pure ole R&R. I doubt I will get any reading done for classes this weekend now!

On a side note, we were able to get new rechargable batteries for the digital, so hopefully we can post pics from this weekend.




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