Blooming Where Planted

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Well, for the last 48hrs they've been talking about it, but it was hard to believe with the weather being in the 70's! But it happened -- 20 in of snow and still falling, blowing snow and blizzard conditions, and entire city on lock down. Literally am snowed in. Our streets won't get plowed until the main county roads are clear, which they've announced they won't start until tonight(on the main county roads). I was supposed to leave town today -- not anymore! I am very glad that I did the grocery shopping last night on my way home from work! Though, that was a madhouse in and of itself.

Check out these pictures, some are a blob cause of all the blowing and snow falling! Thus I am home working from my own computer. I will be doing pumpkin carving and baking today. Tis the season for Greg to start traveling with basketball and the time of my job where I'll get home too late to cook. So, here at the Davis household, we'll be eating homemade frozen dinners until March Madness is over--no joke. :) Hopefully I can get a months worth of baking in today!!

Of course today also marks the first blizzard, and therefore, hot buttered rum and wine with cheese and crackers will be consumed as well as the day progresses...and of course, thanks to Launchcast and XM radio, we'll have a variety of music to listen to as well(though I refuse to listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving!!)

Well, I'm very thankful that I get to stay in town now for the week and that I've got time at home to cook and spend with my husband as well. A nice blessing in disguise!

Those in the storm - stay warm. :)




Blogger Megan said...

I'm not seeing your pictures. Am I looking in the wrong spot?

7:11 PM  

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