12% in Five Years!
Yep. I am sitting here drinking Egg Nog and posting maps of places I've been. I stopped at Safeway tonight on my way back and picked up a signature soup, french bread, & egg nog -- comfort food for a VERY long day that I'm glad is done! I will be back tomorrow and I have a date to look forward to!! I love you Greg :)
So, if you think about it, it's pretty amazing that in a 5 year time period, I visited 12% of the world! And..it's been 3 years since my last overseas trip. To note, I didn't include anyplace that was just a "fly through" or "layover". Any country highlighted has been lived in for at a minimum of 2days or more. :)

And here is where I've been in our good ole US of A:

To make your very own Countries & States visited, click here.
Well, now that this highlight is over and I've thoroughly amused myself, I do believe I will call my husband, go to bed and listen to Christmas music.
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