My Best Friends Wedding

My best friend, Ceccy, is engaged!! I am so happy for her!! I haven't had the privilege to meet the lucky man myself, but I've heard nothing but the best about him.
Last week Ceccy called me to let me know what dates they were looking at, so I could plan to be in and around all the festivities -- then something unplanned happened -- her fiance's brother found out he was being transferred back out to Iraq. This moved the wedding from October to August. What's the deal you say? Well, I can't travel at 8months pregnant on an airplane, nor can I risk a 12hr drive 3 1/2wks before my due date. Then it hit me -- I have to tell my best friend that not only can I not be in her wedding, but I won't even be able to attend it. My stomach sank and I cried. Of ALL the friends, this was not the one I'd ever dream of having to miss. But realizing I couldn't quite control the situation, I figured "I'll get over it - eventually." :)
Well, this past weekend she called to inform me that she and Curt had decided to move the wedding to Colorado beings half her family is here anyhow, and just make it a smaller, more intimate wedding. And the best part?! That's right -- I may be 8 months pregnant by then, but I will be rejoicing with my best friend as she enters into her marriage covenant!
Truly shows that God has a sense of humor. The little things that become most important always work themselves out; it just may not be as we thought they would.
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