Blooming Where Planted

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I am officially done with work right now! I've been doing lots of nothing as of currently. :) Minus doing lots of reading on birth, nursing, etc. I haven't engaged in a whole lot. My body has definitely been winding down and I'm finding myself trying to figure out a whole new routine. Mainly, I just do a BUNCH of sleeping! I'm about as tired as I was at the beginning of the pregnancy (or at least it seems that way).

We got our crib last night from Greg's parents, and I have been working on getting some ribbons sown onto the bassinet. And today I will probably start going through our gifts and getting the clothes somewhat separated and organizing everything else to some extent so we don't have gift bags everywhere! We are both getting very excited and it's hard to believe that we're down to + - 30dys. We will be assembling furniture for the nursery when we get back into town next week! So, I will have pics posted soon. :)




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