So growing up, every holiday I have memories of my Dad, Grandpas, and Uncles all doing assembly projects for us kids for some toy or contraption. And it never failed - there was always something every holiday. In fact, on my side of the family, we joked just this last Christmas that it'd been years since anyone had gotten a gift that required self-assembly. Well, the cycle has started all over! Only this time, Greg is the Dad and as you can see below, he is on his 2nd official assembly(the dresser) for our daughter and she hasn't even arrived yet! (A BIG HUGE thanks to Uncle Josh for the wonderful gift and helping of putting it together!)
Here's to many more years of self-assembly projects all over again...

Labels: Family
So, I've discovered that though I've not been working, I've found plenty other things to keep me busy! I honestly spend my days now getting baby stuff ready, sleeping, and going to doctor and chiropractor appointments. In the past month, we have seen miracle after miracle with my pregnancy - my uterus has completely adapted and isn't an issue, the canal has shifted to a normal position, and the baby has turned head down! All these things they said would be factors of risk and now they are gone. Praise God. 3wks ago she officially moved me off the 'high risk' pregnancy and I now I have a 'normal' tab on my medical file!!! The baby's nursery is basically done. We have a few more things to put in, but the necessary items are ready and organized! Our bag is packed and the contractions are slowly rolling in, so it is just a matter of when the time comes...I must say that my entire outlook has completely changed in the past 9mo on this! 9mo ago I would've told you I was going to never be able to handle this entire process, but today I am encouraged and ready to labor :). We hired a certified Doula to work with us over these past months and boy has it been great! We have had private, in-home birth education classes and a wealth of knowledge and techniques brought to our attention. I'd never heard of such a person until I was reading one of my friend's websites and noticed that was what she did! She is a blessing from God to our family and we're so thankful for everything she does for us! I'd (obviously) recommend her personally to anyone, but a Doula in general - in our opinion - is something we think every couple should have the privilege of! You can read about it here.I've also been spending the last month and a half placing bids for some freelance projects that I can do from home for a few months to help supplement while I'm on unpaid leave. This has been hard work, but a fairly rewarding search. All deal with curriculum development and/or welfare to some extent and are temporary. So, I will continue to do this until I re-enter the world of Social Services in January!
Here are some pics of the nursery and me at 38wks!

Labels: Family
We have spent the later half of our week out here with Greg's family. Greg's been re-installing the sprinkler system and I have been, well - um...sitting in the air conditioning either at the house or at the coffee cafe(they don't have a website, but here is a good article on them). This is the only coffee type place anywhere remotly close, so I spend lots of time when we visit here. I love the atmosphere, the smells, free wi-fi, and the ice cream that they serve - in addition to the coffee. :)~Tomorrow Greg's aunt & cousin are doing a small shower, which should be lots of fun. Until then, I will be spending much more time inside and out of the humidity and probably will have ice cream at least once today!Labels: Family, Fun
I am officially done with work right now! I've been doing lots of nothing as of currently. :) Minus doing lots of reading on birth, nursing, etc. I haven't engaged in a whole lot. My body has definitely been winding down and I'm finding myself trying to figure out a whole new routine. Mainly, I just do a BUNCH of sleeping! I'm about as tired as I was at the beginning of the pregnancy (or at least it seems that way).We got our crib last night from Greg's parents, and I have been working on getting some ribbons sown onto the bassinet. And today I will probably start going through our gifts and getting the clothes somewhat separated and organizing everything else to some extent so we don't have gift bags everywhere! We are both getting very excited and it's hard to believe that we're down to + - 30dys. We will be assembling furniture for the nursery when we get back into town next week! So, I will have pics posted soon. :)Labels: Family