Painting, showers, reading books, birth classes, weekly doctor appointments - we're counting down!
I've officially reached the "I'm uncomfortable, let's get this baby out" stage. Thank goodness we don't have humidity here and that the house has air conditioning! At the bottom is also the just about finished product of the nursery - I think it looks great! Big thanks to Greg & Katie for doing the bulk of the work :)~
We went to visit our new 24hour old neice yesterday! Hard to believe that in 6wks, we will have one of our own. lol. She was as cute as ever and we're so happy for Brian & Buffy, and for Seraphim who is now a big sister!
Ok, for the pics...

Well, yes, it's been over 3wks since I've posted! But it has been busy around here. I am getting ready to close stuff up at the office & have been training my Interim on top of doing things at the house! As you can see, we are approaching the 6wk mark and getting very excited for our daughter's arrival.This weekend we got started on the nursery and got it pretty much finished - we will have it done before Thursday, as we have company arriving and the other spare room will need to be cleaned out of everything we moved in there! We have the chair rail and baseboard to get on to complete the project. For those who'd asked, I was going to post some recent pics this eve, but the cable is hiding in the mess, so will work on getting those up tomorrow!More will be coming, as I have more time at home and less time in the office. Keep posted for pics of the belly and the nursery!