Ready, Set, Go!
So, I began the New Year with my job taking a job 'switch' with my co-worker. My boss has officially ‘switched’ my co-worker and I for this year. We will be cross-training, so I will be doing her position and she will be doing mine. I will have more focus with the actual Mentor Teams from the churches with the clients, as opposed to just working specifically with the clients. And I will be getting much more hands-on in Legislative Reform! That really is my passion and where I want to be in the Welfare area, so I am really excited with the new challenge that I will be attempting for 2007. It also will allow me (believe it or not) more flex time and ability to work from home. I’ll have a bit more travel for the legislative stuff, but it will be more balanced. Thus far it is keeping me rather busy -- hence the lack in posting since December!
We also, on top of my job transition, have begun to work on transitioning our home lives as well. As of January 1st, it has been official -- we will be parents by August! That's right...I'm pregnant! No wonder I didn't have a whole lot of "umph" over the Holiday. lol. The doctor was backed up, so by the time I actually go in and have my appointment and get a due date, I will be a little over 2 months. The last 6wks have been crazy, and we are both looking forward to this new phase of life. My plan(at this time) will be to travel through June for work, work a few months in the office, and then take a break and return in October. Thankfully Greg will not be in basketball season yet, so the timing of Baby Davis was perfect! I'm already working from home 2dys a week when I'm not traveling, and I am sleeping a lot. Really feeling great considering everything! We'll be finishing our basement this summer and getting the upstairs ready for our new little family addition. So, now you -- Micah and Josh -- really have your work cut out with Greg since I'll be MIA for all household finishing and landscaping completion projects. :)
On a side note, I'll be going full swing next week as there were many new Initiatives that were introduced into Congress this month, so I will be getting my feet wet immediately with work!
Hopefully I am back now in full swing here in Blogland, but who knows. :)
We also, on top of my job transition, have begun to work on transitioning our home lives as well. As of January 1st, it has been official -- we will be parents by August! That's right...I'm pregnant! No wonder I didn't have a whole lot of "umph" over the Holiday. lol. The doctor was backed up, so by the time I actually go in and have my appointment and get a due date, I will be a little over 2 months. The last 6wks have been crazy, and we are both looking forward to this new phase of life. My plan(at this time) will be to travel through June for work, work a few months in the office, and then take a break and return in October. Thankfully Greg will not be in basketball season yet, so the timing of Baby Davis was perfect! I'm already working from home 2dys a week when I'm not traveling, and I am sleeping a lot. Really feeling great considering everything! We'll be finishing our basement this summer and getting the upstairs ready for our new little family addition. So, now you -- Micah and Josh -- really have your work cut out with Greg since I'll be MIA for all household finishing and landscaping completion projects. :)
On a side note, I'll be going full swing next week as there were many new Initiatives that were introduced into Congress this month, so I will be getting my feet wet immediately with work!
Hopefully I am back now in full swing here in Blogland, but who knows. :)